Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I started missing home food when I was doing my B.Tech in CIT (till now I am missing it). During those times, many of my hostel mates including me used to envy another friend (we call him as vadai) who also stays in our hostel. Just imagine when we were missing mothers home made food, this guy still has his mothers hand made lunch in Coimbatore, whereas his mom is in Chennai. Still wondering how it is possible. It's because his father serves as a pilot in Indian airlines, so whenever he flies to coimbatore, he brings a hot pack food for him. We always enjoy his mother food, especially non-vegetarian food, she cooks great. One of the reason for writing this blog is because of him. After a very very long time, I got in touch with him. I wanna a share one of his poem, to my surprise my name was there..

Cognition In A College Mess

Money is a strange glass that defines
every man’s vision is what went in

munching drumsticks with friends, at my
college mess. Ruby-ringed Mathew bit

the main meat off his drumstick, sided the rest,
pushed back and exalted “Wow! I am done”.

“Never waste food”, I retold what my father
ingrained in a bourgeois me, and showed

how much meat still resides at the corners,
how to relish those; to make the clean bone.

Nalin smiled at us, chewed, swallowed
the fragile bones and repeated my words.

Pradeep Dhavakumar

Following is the link

If you guys have time, kindly go through his other poems also, they are finely penned......

Thats the way I eat non-veg, no leftovers of the traces of meat or bones. Is eating meat is good for human health or not is a great research topic, as several societies has different and contradicting views. To know the truth by myself, I experimented with myself by controlling my diet. In my family we have a rich meat diet, so right from my younger days I used to eat meat, I changed my diet to strictly to no meat and no egg diet over a period of time for several years.
1 year - No meat No egg, next
1 year - Included Meat, next
3 year - No meat No egg, next
1 year - Included meat, next
3 year - No meat No egg, next
1 year - Included meat, next
1 year - No meat but included egg, next
3 year - Started eating all kinds of meat

Nearly after more than a decade of experimenting, what I felt is, It doesn't matter as long as you eat food and satisfy your appetite. It seems that on extreme conditions of food availability, our brain develops some circuits to make certain food delicious or bland based upon the demands placed by our physiology for those nutrients which are available in that food. So if we are provided with only vegetable sources or we make strong decisions to be on strict vegetarian diet then we will explore many vegetarian options to satisfy all the physiological demands for the nutrients. And if you are on meat diet then the exploration of vegetarian options is limited as the meat satisfies most of the physiological nutrient demands. I believe this might be one of the reason for a limited vegetarian options in american foods. More meat, some bread, then limited common vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, kidney beans, carrot and broccoli. For the past four months, my diet includes only american food (mostly fast food), no spices at all. So nowadays even when I go to Americanised Indian restaurant, though the tase of the food their never gets the indian feel, currently I feel it is delicious.
Apart from the above mentioned observance, which are similar to a discovery channel study. I also felt a little bit change in my psychological approach. Whenever iam in vegetarian diet, i was calm and composed and in other case I was little bit aggressive. I am not sure whether this is due to diet or my will power to focus and control myself to strict vergetarian diet all those times. Because people who meditate also has calm and composed approach due to their high focus and control among themselves. If you guys have some inputs, kindly let me know. I started it as simple blogging, but somehow diggressed into a form of research article...hmm what to do!!!!

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