Saturday, March 6, 2010

Does beauty grows within few minutes ?

After a longtime my mind is free from work load and the sun was shining brilliantly on a cold windy winter day in baltimore. Got up early and went to usual bus stop to catch bus. There was another female waiting on that stop. Strangely she wasn't wearing any winter jacket, whereas, I am freezing inspite of having an overcoat. Thought of starting a conversation as the bus didn't reached the stop at appropriate time, but somehow inhibited that thought. Surprisingly she started the conversation, asking exactly the same question which I thought of asking her. Slowly we had a conversation... about our academic background, living in baltimore and about future career prospects etc.. As the conversation proceeded, I realised how beautiful she is... as we were conversing her beauty, her charmness kept on increasing....I never felt this way before. We chatted for half an hour or so, the bus didn't arrived yet, but she has to leave and can't wait for the bus, she took a cab and left. But the pleasant chat and her growing beauty within that half an hour stayed with me...Then I realised what a fool I am, I didn't even asked her name. We discussed a lot without even addressing our names.... But anyways the feeling was nice and I got to find about the concept of beauty and how it can increase within an half an hour conversation.

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