Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why most of the Indians are not able to appreciate our own rituals and culture....

After watching the above talk, I was very much impressed with the presenters analysis of east and west philosophies as THE world and MY world, logos and mythos, linear and cyclic etc. As a child and also as an adult i love stories and more specifically, like to listen to them rather than reading. The initial story told by the presenter about Lord Ganesha and Lord Karthikeya was actually a competition conducted by Lord Shiva for a rare fruit of knowledge. Its a well known story in South India and I have never analysed that story interms of objectivism and subjectivism. Since the competition is for knowledge fruit, now it makes more sense to me. This makes me think are we missing the actual content of many hindu mythologies ? Or is it due to our education system which is western makes us think scientifically and rationally, forcing us not to believe in myths involved in our rituals and culture . I am having a strong sense that current generation which are hesitant to follow our rituals are because of our western education system. I believe that if we are educated with our own ancient philosophies from our Vedas and Upanishads may be all those rituals might make some sense. Globalisation is inevitable, we got to have both sort of education system and let the choice be made by the students, once they are adequately knowledgable in both the forms of education system. By that understanding, I guess people will be respectable to each other and peace will prevail.
There are more thoughts in my mind...but i am not able to convert those in words, The above paragraph may be showing glimpses of my thoughts and not coherent enough, I guess in future I might put in a much coherent format.

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